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12 moons old

Gender: male

Personality: This cheerful, kind and sometimes proud cat loves his clanmates' company. He's loyal, maybe impulsive, but being a good warrior means everything to him.

Parents: -

Siblings: Frostshade
Mentor: Darkpetal

Story: Ashpaw's parents are unknown. He was abandoned by some cat and grew up without a motherly figure.

"What do you like to do in your free time?"

"That's easy. I love spending my time with my clanmates, especially with my friend Flamepaw. We can vent on each other about anything and I'll always listen to her. I also love visiting new places, so when I'll be a warrior I'll take advantage of that and find time to explore every bit of territory in Thunderclan.

Climbing isn't my thing, however I enjoy water quite a bit. I hope no one will think my parents were Riverclan..."

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